Make Blogging Easier


LavandaMichelle TGBKThere have been so many times in my own blogging journey when I’ve felt intimidated by what I was learning and doing and struggled to overcome challenges like increasing my traffic and income in ways that matched my brand and values.

Blogging has been one of those incredible “pinch me” parts of my life. I can hardly believe I get to do something I love so much, earn money from home, and be part of such a special community.

But it isn’t always easy, and the fast-changing nature of the blog industry means I can’t ever stop learning how to be a better blogger.

I’ve found my blog really thrives when I’m growing in my skills, connecting with others who get the work I’m doing, and pushing myself to try new things and improve my weak areas.

I make a point of prioritizing my growth as a blogger, and one…

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Take Your Blog To The Next Level


Lavanda Michelle Genius Bloggers ToolkitAs a serious blogger, you have a gift with words. You inspire people to be more creative and intentional.

You help them see the best in the world and in themselves. And you give them practical skills to reduce the stress and challenges in their lives.

You love what you do, but you feel like with as much work as you’re putting in, you should be seeing bigger results.

You know you could be reaching so many more people and having a greater impact. Plus, it would be nice to get paid for all the time you’re investing.

So you start searching for ways to grow your blog, but before long your browser tabs and brain are brimming with conflicting opinions.

You wish you could just take a successful blogger out for coffee and learn the big picture from someone you trust.

Lavanda Michelle GBTK

If your blog isn’t growing the way you…

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A Complete Blogging Education Inside


There have been so many times in my own blogging journey when I’ve felt daunted by what I was learning and doing and struggled to overcome challenges like increasing my traffic and income in ways that matched my brand and values.

Blogging has been one of those unbelievable “Thank You Lord” parts of my life. I can hardly believe I get to do something I love so much, earn money from home, and be part of such a special community.

But it isn’t always easy, and the fast-changing nature of the blog industry means I can’t ever stop learning how to be a better blogger.

I’ve found my blog really thrives when I’m growing in my skills, connecting with others who get the work I’m doing, and pushing myself to try new things and improve my weak areas.

I make a point of prioritizing my growth as a blogger, and…

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Raising Healthy Babies


When you have children this is always going to be your main goal. Their health and happiness will always take priority over yours, no matter how exhausting that is. There are plenty of things that you can do to protect their health, but it is important to make sure you’re not being overprotective. They need to make their own mistakes and find things out for themselves, it is a natural part of learning. But as a mother, this just becomes so hard to do. Don’t be too overbearing, but don’t take too much of a back seat. It is important to remember that there are going to be things that will happen out of your control as well. So if you’re wondering what you can do to make sure you’re raising healthy babies, I’ve created a guide for you outlining some of the best things that you can do.

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Lock 1.8


After his heart-felt prayer for Lock, William closed his eyes in silence. He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Alex. Alex looked down at William with tears in his eyes and said, “They need you upstairs.” William ran from the altar and repeatedly pressed the elevator button but because that first minute felt like 20, William decided to race up the five flights of stairs. All he could think about as he ran was the distraught look on Alex’s face. As he continued up, he repeated out loud, “Please Father! Please!” as he made it pass each floor. The climb from the fourth to the fifth was the hardest. At this point, William was nearly crippled with fear.

The tears poured from his eyes as he repeated, “Please Father! Please!” Once he made it to the door of the fifth floor stair case he fell to the ground…

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Save The Date


When I was a young girl and I watched these movies where a woman could pinpoint the exact moment they knew they were in love. I was curious to the legitimacy of this so I asked, woman and man alike, do they remember the first time they knew they were in love. Person after person could recall nearly every detail of the day. It was truly amazing. Therefore, I ask you this. To take a moment and try to remember the exact moment you knew you were in love.

Close your eyes and try to remember, was it morning, night, or noon. Was it cold outside or warm, raining or sunny? Was snow falling or were there leaves? Where were you? Were you indoors our outside? What were you doing? Talking on the phone, eating dinner, or something I can’t mention in my family friendly blog? Whenever the case may…

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Become a Better You: Five Ways To Get Out of a Rut


When you work long hours, have childcare commitments, a house to run and other important things to get done- it makes sense to be in some kind of routine. You know what you’re supposed to be doing at that time, and you know you can fit in everything you need to do into your day. But when does a routine become a rut? As beneficial as it can be, doing the same things day in day out can become incredibly tedious and before you know it you feel trapped. Life loses its excitement, and you’re so exhausted by it all you don’t even know where to start to make a change. If you’ve been feeling like this lately, here are a few ideas to help you become a better you, get out of your rut and start embracing life again.

Write Out New Goals

Writing out goals can be extremely…

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Is It Time For A Stress Detox?


Do you experience stress on a daily basis? Stress is only supposed to be a short-term survival mechanism – in a life-threatening situation stress can help us get out of danger by making us more alert, making our muscles tenser and making our blood pressure higher to keep antibodies flowing around the body. Long-term exposure to stress is not healthy. It can wear down our mind and body, resulting in insomnia, muscle fatigue, and heart disease. Taking steps to detoxify your body of cortisol (the hormone that causes stress) can be much needed to prevent burnout or worse a heart attack. Here are just some of the ways to give your body a stress detox.

Take a week-long break away from stress triggers

Removing stress triggers from your life entirely may not be possible. However, there’s nothing to stop you taking a few days’ break just to give your body…

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Pizza Night


A tradition that started a long time ago. I remember pulling up to my mom’s house to get the girls. It was after a long day of wedding planning and my client was a true bridezilla but also a dear friend. I sat in the jeep for a moment just to decompress, fix my face, and say a little prayer. I looked at mom’s my house from the jeep and I could see my big girl Zyan smiling at me and waving. We had recently celebrated her fifth birthday and I could see her pink “birthday-girl ribbon” pinned to her yellow summer short suit. That look on her face erased the stress from the day.
I admittedly jumped from the jeep and ran to the door and was greeted with the biggest hug and smile. She said “Mommy, I love your shoes! Can you buy me shoes like that?” At…

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5 Ways To Achieve A Healthy and Fit Lifestyle


Having an active lifestyle while also being a working parent can be difficult to say the least. Many parents find it hard to find the time and motivation to stick with their workout regime when working the typical 9-5. Though it is a challenge, it is possible to fit in exercise amongst a busy workday with a few lifestyle changes. Here are 5 ways to achieve a healthy and fit lifestyle while also being a working parent.

cyril-saulnier-250098-unsplashPhoto by Cyril Saulnier on Unsplash

1. As most companies offer a full hour lunch break, this is a great time to get some exercise into your day. Whether you choose to use this time at the gym or just go for a walk close to your workplace, taking advantage of your lunch hour is a great way to
switch up your day and give yourself a mental break for a bit.

2. It can be easy to lose your motivation…

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